-originally written on May 6, 2023; edited on May 13, 2023- As of this writing, I am on Day 19 of doing daily writing practice sessions. It’s been interesting, and let’s talk about it. The fact that I’m already up…
My Comfort Movies from the First Half of 2023
-originally written on April 21, 2023; edited on May 13, 2023- I love watching movies, and I love listening to movies. I often will put a movie on my phone right before I go to bed and fall asleep to…
How TikTok is Helping Me Be a Better Creator
-Originally written on April 20, 2023; Edited and scheduled on May 13, 2023- I have been creating on TikTok for over a year, since February of 2022. I started with the DFP posts and have since tried a few other…
Time for an April Check In
It’s April, the beginning of the 2nd quarter of the year, and where has the time flown? Honestly, I’m surprised, but I’m not surprised. I’ve been living the “funemployed” life for months, so my days have blended together. But no…
It’s Time to Push Myself in a New Direction
February has become a bit of a special month for me, and is the anniversary month for two important things. One is my joining the Her Messy Bun community, Consciously Creative (I joined on February 2nd!); and two is my…
My 2023 New Years Resolutions
I started writing this at the close of January 1st, and obviously am only finishing and posting it now. Which is thankfully not too much later, so it’s still resolution season. The number of times that I wrote, stopped, rewrote,…