-originally written on April 22, 2023; edited on May 13, 2023- This year, one of my goals, whether I put it in the New Year’s resolution list or not, was to read more. And, more importantly, to review more. I…
I Write Content Daily Now And It’s Not Going Well
When I wrote this draft, I had been writing daily for almost two months. Specifically 53 days, if going by my videos on TikTok. At the time of my publishing this, so today, I had posted my 87th video on…
What Will Happen Now That I Am Leaving Evernote
I posted a few days ago about how I had lost a few days’ work thanks to Evernote not saving them. Still not happy about that, but I’m much calmer now than I was when the incident occurred. And perhaps…
How Ebooks are More Dangerous than Physical Books
-originally written on April 23, 2023; edited on May 13, 2023- As of May 13, 2023, I have 5,522 ebooks. What. What is that? I remember having a mere 3000, and I thought that was crazy. I have a TikTok…
What Happened to Make Me Leave Evernote
For almost nine and a half years, I was an avid user of Evernote. I’ve been a premium (now listed as Personal) subscriber for about as long, but no more. I have decided to switch over to Notion and leave…
What is My Latest Reading Project
I’m going to start off by saying that I began writing this in May, and the project was very much unofficial, but it was going to be something I did. Now let me be clearer. I’m essentially doing the Disney…