This post is part of my 31 Blog Posts of July series, and more importantly, is connected to the previous two blog posts and will be connected to the following 2 blog posts. All 6 are recaps and projects of how I thought the months of May, June, and July went, as well as what I wanted to change in June, July, and beyond.
It’s June 25th when I’m writing this, which means it’s the Sunday of the last week of June. Whoops, where did the time go? I want to start by saying that I am better prepared now than I would have been without these daily writing sessions.
Editing in spades
The most important thing I need to do is work on editing my content for July. I have enough posts; they just need to editing. I have a lot of free time tomorrow, so I have blocked off a large section of that just for editing. It’s going to be great. For me to schedule a post, I need to edit it and create a graphic to accompany it. I usually don’t edit on the same day I record/post my TikTok writing video, meaning I can embed the video into the blog post when I schedule it. It works out pretty well, so I’m able to get that all ready to go.
2.5 books to finish
I have two and a half books left on my TBR list for June. I’m almost done with the “half” book, as I only have about 100 pages left to complete it. The other two books, I don’t foresee any problem in finishing them by the 30th. No problem at all (knock on wood). The two books I have are both light reads, chick-lit books. Which I am super excited for, as they will be a great way to end this month’s reading list. But it does mean I have to hurry. I’m not worried, though; I’ve read books fast before, so it’ll be a fun challenge. And also, my competitive side really wants to get it done.
Progress made in notion info dump databases
I want to keep working on my different notion databases. I worked on them a bit today, but they are all quite large. My priority this week is on editing, so any progress made in the databases is good progress. And even if I wasn’t going to be focused on editing,
Planning for the 3rd quarter
One thing that is quite important, and I would say it’s equally as important as editing, is that I need to plan out for the upcoming quarter. I won’t have to worry about blog content for July, and I already have at least a week’s worth of content for August written (but not edited). I’m excited to be ahead; I can’t remember the last time I was so far ahead in my blog posts. The planning will also allow me to find better times to write and edit daily.
I’ve spent too much time over the last couple of months in writing late, because I procrastinated during the day. Many days, I know I have the time to write earlier, but I choose to wait “because I’ll have time later”. Just the other day, actually, I think it was last night, I wrote, filmed, edited the video, and posted it minutes before midnight. I almost screwed up my whole streak. Scary. I don’t want to do that again; I’ve worked really hard to maintain my streak.
What I learned from June
That editing is my struggle point at the moment. It’s really hard to focus on editing, because I don’t really want to edit. I don’t quite know why. I’m not sure, maybe it’s because I have to read through my work with a critical eye, and that takes longer than to write. I don’t know. It’s a mystery. One I should probably solve soon, though I will continue to face it one day at a time.
Conclusion: Keep moving forward
Overall, I’m happy with how this month went. I’ve made progress in different areas, and even though the work continues, every bit of progress helps. July is going be great, and I’m looking forward to what might happen. Because no what happens, I am going to keep moving forward.
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