Hello there! I just wanted to write a quick (aka short) blog post about why this blog came to be. I did debate on whether I wanted to write a short one (which would be good practice for me) or a long one (which would have the full story and/or lengthy rambles from myself), but for you and for me, a short post it is. As a side note, if you’d like to know more about me, feel free to check out my About page. Anyway, back to the purpose of this post.
I started this blog because I wanted a place of my own on the internet, where I could pursue writing and stories that I was truly passionate about. Though reading that back, it might come across as a bit much but that’s essentially it. Unlike in school where I had to write about a topic assigned to me or even one that I chose but from within an approved list, I wanted to be the one in charge.
This blog gives me the chance to do just that. I get to share what I’m passionate about, which is stories and as there is more to stories than just watching or reading them, I share about those things too. And as I am still learning how to be a better writer, a better blogger, and a better storyteller, it may not seem like I say that much right now. And I’m very excited about that because once I’ve found my voice, it’ll be hard to get me to stop talking. So welcome, welcome to my blog and I hope you enjoy what I will be sharing.
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