An Easter Story
A story about a toy bunny that comes to life to help get ready for Easter.
Day 1:
Within a small town, there was a small house
and inside that small house,
there was a small playroom.
Day 2:
Though not very big,
it held blocks and cars,
a train and dolls
and one soft and fluffy toy rabbit.
Day 3:
His full and proper name,
given by the children in his home,
was Lord Rabbiton,
Hare to the Carrot Kingdom.
But such a big name can be
hard to repeat or remember,
so he was simply known as Mr. Fluff.
Day 4:
Mr. Fluff was quite content
to spend most of his days
in the comfort and warmth of the playroom.
But once a year, every year he had a noble task to do,
one that brought joy and laughter to his human family.
Day 5:
He, and bunnies in other playrooms,
had to guard the magic sweets
in preparation for when the
Easter Bunny would arrive.
Without them, there would be no
treats for Easter.
Day 6:
One spring morning, after the humans had left for the day,
Mr. Fluff began to awaken. He stretched his ears, he smoothed his fur
and thumped his foot on the carpet floor. Now to find the magic sweets.
Day 7:
Mr. Fluff hopped over to the dollhouse,
the favorite hiding spot of the sweets.
With a twitch of his whiskers, the dollhouse opened up,
revealing nothing but furniture and dolls strewn about.
Sniffing, he found no trace of the sweets
which raised the fur at the back of his neck.
Day 8:
The magic sweets were as good at hiding
as the Easter Bunny was at hiding eggs.
On a good year, they were present, ready to be found
or maybe in a simple hiding spot.
On a bad year, like this one, they were much, much harder
and for a rabbit who only woke up for Easter season,
that made things difficult.
Day 9:
Mr. Fluff hopped over to the toy chest,
the hard wood box holding all sorts of toys.
He twitched his whiskers, the box lid lifting
and the box falling forward, its contents spilling out.
Sniffing about, pushing blocks and cars around with his paws,
oh dear, the humans wouldn’t like his mess
and still no sweets to be found.
Day 10:
It was a new day and Mr. Fluff would try again.
With the sweets nowhere to be found in the playroom,
he would have to venture beyond the playroom walls.
A twitch of the whiskers and the door opened,
and Mr. Fluff would now be going farther
than he had ever gone before.
Day 11:
As Mr. Fluff begins his exploration of the rest of the house,
it would be wise to mention what an Easter bunny like Mr. Fluff can do.
As protectors of the sweets, these bunnies use little tricks to do their job.
A twitch of the whiskers, a flick of the ear, a foot thump (or three)
and the sweets that The Easter Bunny needed would be safe and ready.
Just so long as the sweets were found in time for Easter.
Day 12:
Mr. Fluff was at the top of a mountain,
known to humans as ‘stairs’.
Whether to start with the front paws or the back,
there was no easy way to make a move down.
Finally, in attempting to make a move,
Mr. Fluff tumbled, bumbled and flopped
down to the bottom of the stairs.
Day 13:
Mr. Fluff wiggled his front paws,
he wiggled his back paws. All seemed good.
While checking his paws, his nose started twitching,
catching the smell of something good. Something tasty.
It didn’t quite smell like the sweets,
but better to find out for sure.
Day 14:
He followed the scent,
first through one room than another,
not stopping to look around.
At last, Mr. Fluff came to the biggest room
he had ever been in.
A room entirely full of food: the kitchen.
Day 15:
Mr. Fluff had never seen so many doors in his long, plush bunny life.
There were doors up high, doors down low,
there were big doors and little doors,
wood doors and metal doors.
Even with his magic, how was he to search through
all of these doors for the sweets?
Day 16:
It was a quick lesson to learn for Mr. Fluff,
for he had twitched his whiskers too hard.
Every low door in the room flipped open,
with pots and pans zooming out, crashing on the floor.
After hopping back, out of the way of the flying metal,
Mr. Fluff realized he would indeed have to search one at a time.
A leap and a bound and he was on the counter,
above the now empty lower cabinets.
He would do it right . . .
hopefully before the humans returned.
Day 17:
There on the highest shelf,
behind the last door were the sweets.
Small, dark brown and streaked with gold,
they glimmered amongst the food.
As Mr. Fluff looked down from his perch
on top of the fridge, he panicked.
Would his magic be enough to clean up this mess?
Day 18:
A mess this large required a thump . . or more.
With pots and pans, knives and forks,
spoons galore and that didn’t count the food.
Mr. Fluff had used his thumps before,
but never so many as would be needed now.
He took a deep breath and lifted his foot.
Day 19:
When the humans returned,
Mr. Fluff was lying at the bottom of the stairs
(he had barely made it down, with no way back up)
and if they wondered how he ended up there, they made no sound.
Quite soon, he was placed back on his chair in the playroom,
as if his adventures below had never happened.
Day 20:
On the night before Easter,
the sweets were safe in the playroom.
Mr. Fluff had done it. He had kept them safe,
and now the Easter Bunny would be able to find them
in time for Easter morning.
Day 21:
Early in the morning, before any humans awoke,
the Easter Bunny was hard at work, hiding eggs.
With the sweets in his paws, each egg received a special treat.
Mr. Fluff watched, paws pressed against the window of the playroom.
When the Easter Bunny finished,
Mr. Fluff would be finished for this year as well.
After this year’s adventures, he deserved a good, long sleep.
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